Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

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Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Loki » Wed 16. Nov 2011, 16:22

Here I will collect all stats that we need to show in overview of a dinoz in our tool as well as formulas for those stats.

  1. HP
  2. defence in every element
  3. attack in every element
  4. speed in every element: base 100
  5. initiative: Base 100; skills change it (not forget to multiple with 10)
  6. Damage reduction from Bubble (%) = (air element + water element)*100/sum of elements
  7. damage from torch: Torch Damage in dependence from Fire Element : 1-4 = 1, 5 - 8 =2 etc (number 4)
  8. damage from acid blood : Acid Blod damage in dependence from Water Element 1-7 = 1 ,8-14 = 2, 15-21 = 3, 22-28 is 4, 29 and up = 5 (number 7)
  9. evasion chance
  10. graceful dodge chance
  11. multiply attack chance (bonuses from skills multiplying)
  12. Armour
  13. Counter attack chance (bonuses from skills multiplying)
  14. number of followers possible
  15. Self Control and Life breath as names and icons fire and air if the skill is there and sad smiley if not
  16. vines yes no (names of skills and if yes then special icon from attack if no skill then sad smileyf.e.)
  17. stobs yes no (names of skills and if yes then special icon from attack f.e.)
  18. flood yes no (names of skills and if yes then special icon from attack f.e.)
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Nukekubi » Wed 16. Nov 2011, 17:48

Important ones:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12.

I don't know what you mean with 9.

Unimportant ones:
13, 14, 22 (add flood and stubs)

Waste of space:
The other ones. Not to be rude, but they'll just be in the way. They are either super easy to calculate or not worth mentioning (occasionally because it's obvious because they have the skills for it).
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Loki » Wed 16. Nov 2011, 18:18

Nukekubi wrote:I don't know what you mean with 9..

How calls the racial skill of Tofufu? I mean that thing. Maybe with levle 60 theere will soem other skilsl that will give such abiltiy not only to tofufu.
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby whooah » Wed 16. Nov 2011, 20:59

i'd say 1-12 would be nice, 9 only if it stops being only tofu specific(meaning there comes a skill so any dinoz can have a chance to evade an A/E skill), if not, i'd leave it out, no need for it
for 14, maybe just put a categhory where life breath and sc are shown if a dinoz has them, everyone should know how those 2 skills work by now :)

the rest, imo, not needed...
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Nukekubi » Thu 17. Nov 2011, 00:12

How about Bubbles reduction %?
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Loki » Thu 17. Nov 2011, 00:29

Nukekubi wrote:How about Bubbles reduction %?

Thank you we will add it
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Running » Thu 24. Nov 2011, 22:55

How are defenses calculated?

Fire: 3, Wood: 12, Water: 1, Lightning: 9, Air: 2.
Water defense = 0.5 * (12 + 3) + (1 * 1) + 1.5 * (9 + 2) = 25

And I have 29 in-game, no skills.
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Running » Thu 24. Nov 2011, 23:29

whooah solved the problem :) Thanks :) The order in equation is reversed :)
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Loki » Fri 25. Nov 2011, 04:08

Running wrote:whooah solved the problem :) Thanks :) The order in equation is reversed :)

So post the right formula please I will colelct them in my bibliothread later
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Re: Stats for Dinoz overview in Tool

Postby Running » Fri 25. Nov 2011, 07:44

swap preceeding and following elements :)
it,s 1.5*preceeding + 1* element + 0.5*following
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