The perfect build for every race depends on:
a) magic item that you will use with this dinoz
More about teams and magic itemsb) other dinoz in team
c) place where you want use this dinoz: Clan Wars (CW) (defending or attacking), Championship of the clans (COTC), DoJo tournament, gathering ingredients (on Nimbao or in Dinotown region)
But having perfect build
is not enough, you will need to adjust it due to rolls you get (that is why some dinoz races are easy to build cause you can adjust them easily and some are very hard and should be tried only threw dinofights or after you finish your first fight team). The order of picking up skilsl is very important too:
Why the picking order of skills can be important:
1. You try to get most powerful skills first in order to skip the weaker skills if you will end with not enough rolls in this element. Every dinoz is restricted to level 50 so you will not be able get more then 49 rolls on every dinoz and you should carefully plan what skills you will take
2. Career Plan is a super skill that allows you to reroll every level up and give you a chance to get another element during level up. Why it is important? Using CP you can try to avoid elements that are not good for this type of dinoz and get more elements that good and more powerful skills. That is why for dinoz that have Career Plan in builds the main target to reach CP asap without wasting any unlocks.
So actually you need a plan for your acc and dinoz from the beginning for the next 2 years (you need 2 years to get a main team of 40+ lvl dinoz without using real money if you use our strategy).
What skills are important
in general:
Mutation -> Ventral Pouch -> Sumo should be taken on all pvp dinoz where it is possible 130 hp and additional combat slot is a must have for all pvp dinoz
Poison Immunity: Self Control or Life Breath. Self Control is also protect from Infernal Talons of Quetzu and all other negative effects like Petrification. Why it is important the posion fix will come so said admin of the game and it means that poisonites will be gone and poison damage reduced. But it will be not possible to protect yourself from poison without magic item antidote. So it is good to have a poison immune main team. And more over it is cheaper cause you don't need poisonite now and help in dojo qualifying and IDT where the poison dinoz are very powerful.
What to take if you probable will have only few rolls in element:
Fire: Wrath - > Warm Blood is the good way fro almost all dinoz that have not much fire ( Wrath -> Furie -> Vengenace (vendetta) is possible for dinoz that have enough air)
Air: Agilty -> Dodge is good for all dinoz that are not Torch dinoz (dinoz with passive damage)
Wood: if not TM Team: Carapace -> Vines other possibilities:
If hp needed: Endurance -> Growth;
if damage needed (especial on mono- duoelement dinoz) Savagery -> Tenacity
Or make a mix
Lightning: Career Plan path
Bubble: Should be taken on all dinoz with a lot of water and air.
A good basic build should consist of 43-47 skills so that you have a chance with the additional rolls to lvl 50 to get the most important skills for this dinoz. We can provide you with a list of the must-have skills for every dinoz race. We have divided them in groups based on their pvp strength. For instructions on how to import one of these builds for your own dinoz so you can duplicate it, go
hereGroup 1: dinoz with builds relatively easy to get
Casti (leader of 5-er group)
Rockys and reincarnated Rockys
Winks and Demon Winks and reincarnated Winks
Wanwan and Demon Wanwan and reincarnated Wanwan
Demon Glidwings
Mouffe (Because Moueffe is a basic dino while the number of Quetzu you can purchase is limited, and a fairly high level quest has to be completed before you can get one except by spending TN in the market, this is a possible alternative)
Group 2: same as above, in general weaker than group 1 dinoz or with a harder build
Mahamuti (leader of 5-er group)
Softpig and Demon Softpig
Group 3: very hard to lvl up to be strong pvp dinoz
We can provide builds for following dinoz if needed, but they are not recommended until you have a good 45+ team. Ask one of the officers for builds. These dinoz may be very good for purposes other than pvp. The Gorilloz is a great option for getting your Wood U-skills, and the Santaz (with Immaterial) can be a great help during hunt events. But these are pvp suggestions we are giving, so these dinoz get rated low.
Tofufu(can be a leader of 5)
Gorilloz and Dgorilloz (can be a leader of 5)