DinoRPG Tool

The only part that can be seen by a members of other clans

Moderator: Officers of the Axians

How do you like to see the initiative in dinoz overview

As simple integers positive if Initiative was increased and negative if decreased .
As negative numbers (cause initiative increasing means that more will be substracted from base )
No votes
As base initiative (100) with substracted and added numbers from skills
Other (put your suggestion in this thread)
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Total votes : 9

Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Fri 18. Nov 2011, 11:06

Loki wrote:What do you want to do with second virgin you kinky dev :D

P.S. Should we add skype emotion pack her to our smileys?

Scary things ;) Like sitting in dark room and watching IT Crowd :D
Added tooltips for skills (in build "view", "share" and "add/remove")

P.S. If you have spare time :)
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Loki » Fri 18. Nov 2011, 11:37

Running wrote: P.S. If you have spare time :)

All for you our ;sn :D
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Fri 18. Nov 2011, 12:06

Loki wrote:All for you our ;sn :D

Dinoz can be shared now like builds: http://axieforce.esin-online.net/tool/d ... 5be7d9a2d4
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Fri 18. Nov 2011, 12:25

It's not necessary to enter email in registration field, you may leave it empty. Email will be used only to restore forgotten password.

Short explanation how sharing actually works:

Each dinoz and build get unique link (32 digits and characters). With this link everyone can see dinoz and build, however it's almost impossible to find out what link has your dinoz, so noone will know the link to your dinoz unless you tell them.
In the near future I'm going to add possibility to "unshare" your dinoz and build, so you will delete this link and noone excpet you will be able to see them.
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 00:37

There is one feature I'm thinking about:

When creating build to have ability to select 1 skill in each element which will be automatically added. This could be very useful for simple builds where you have 3 skills in most elements (like carreer plan in lightning)

Is it something useful?
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby ZAPPP » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 13:00

Easy tutorial for the tool.
When you have loged in to the tool press the option "Builds" at the top left side.

Then you press the option "New Build" at the top right side.

Now you will see a small gray frame with the following options.
Pretty obvious that this is were you put the name of your build. I dont build any new builds, instead I put in the data of the dinoz that I have so I name the builds after my dino.

Ignore this one, you dont need to cross it.

Base race:
Here you pick the dinoz race that you will use for your build.

Copy from build via uid (race, skills):
Makes copy of build that is not in your list if you know th UID from that build.

Copy from build (race, skills):
With this you copy the build and add a new name if you have dinoz with similar build and then once the build is done you can change things in the copy that are not the same as the previous build. Example: If you have 2 Gorilloz builds and the only difference is the one of them has Detective and the other one have Archaeologist, then you use this option and then you can change only one skills instead of arranging 30 skills.

Now you press the option "Add build" and the name of the build will appear in a new section.

Then you press the option called "Add/Remove". Now you get to pick skills for the build in each element. At the bottom left there is a option named "Build X". The X stands for the elements. So if you are picking skills for Fire element it will say "Build Fire". Once you have picked the fire skills you want you must press that button so that the tool can save the skills into the build. If you don't press the button and instead move on to the next element the skills picked will be gone and you will have to go back and pick them again.

So you pick the skills you want/have in and then you press "Build Fire" You repeat this process in each of the elements that you have skills in. Note: you can take only the high level skills in every path. After pressing Build Element all skills needed to unlock those high level skill will added automatically.

Once you have picked all skills, you can arrange the skills in what order you want to skill them by pressing the option "Edit Order" next to the builds name at the top left.

Doing this you will see a template of your picked skills and here you can arrange them in any order by clicking on a skill with the mouse and then move them up or down.
Example: Say you picked the skills Carapace, Endurance, Vines and Growth in Wood element and you want the picks to be skilled in the following order. Endurance, Carapace, Unlock, Growth, Vines. Then you just click the skills and move them into that order.

If you dont want to arrange the skills then simply press "Builds" at the top left once you are done with the skill picking.

Now you are back to the start of the page with the name of your build and some other options as follows.
[b]Name X | Race: X | On/Off | Shared (Link) | Unshare | Edit | Add/Remove | Order | Delete


[b]Name X | Race: X | On/Off | Private (Share) | Edit | Add/Remove | Order | Delete

if there is public link: Shared (Link) | Unshare

if there is no public link: Private (Share)

Shared (Link) - shows you public link to your build/dinoz. Click it to find out what link you should send others.
Unshare - destroys public link. Public link will become invalid and noone will be able to see your dinoz/build
Private (Share) - generate new public link. Please note that new link will differ from old one so if you unshare/share you'll get the new link.

So this mechanism is useful for providing short-time access to your build/dinoz

If you press on the name of your build you can see the entire template with your picked skills.

If you press Shared (Link) you will get a specific URL-adress and with that URL you can share your build with other players using the tool. So if I or any other player want to look at all or some of your dinoz, you make builds of them and then you use Share and send the URL link to the people who want to have a look at the amazing builds. To stop sharing press unshare :)

Good luck!
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Loki » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 15:37

Running wrote:There is one feature I'm thinking about:

When creating build to have ability to select 1 skill in each element which will be automatically added. This could be very useful for simple builds where you have 3 skills in most elements (like carreer plan in lightning)

Is it something useful?

Useful but not so important it is sumo in water and cp in lightning. They come in 90% of cases. there are now other must have skills in other elements.
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 20:50

- "Unshare" dinoz and builds
- add to registration page that accounts that have names not as in dinorpg should write a mail to admins in order to get activation. Mail from admins: dinorpgtool@axieforce.esin-online.net
- to the Add/remove skills page add the new tab after elements with name Comments. And make possible to post text comments into this field. After sharing comments should be visible under the build.

Done :)
Example of comments: http://axieforce.esin-online.net/tool/b ... d66e0a0a41
Now in build and dinoz list you have following:
if there is public link: Shared (Link) | Unshare

if there is no public link: Private (Share)

Shared (Link) - shows you public link to your build/dinoz. Click it to find out what link you should send others.
Unshare - destroys public link. Public link will become invalid and noone will be able to see your dinoz/build
Private (Share) - generate new public link. Please note that new link will differ from old one so if you unshare/share you'll get the new link.

So this mechanism is useful for providing short-time access to your build/dinoz. Providing long-time access (e.g. for ZAPPP and officers) will be implemented later.
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Running » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 21:07

Another feature I've thought about is to show dinoz function in list, e.g.
Air/Wood collector, U-dinoz. These functions can be got from dinoz skills. Probably allow defining custom functions too, e.g. attacker, defender, leader of 5...
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Re: DinoRPG Tool

Postby Loki » Sat 19. Nov 2011, 21:15

Running wrote:Another feature I've thought about is to show dinoz function in list, e.g.
Air/Wood collector, U-dinoz. These functions can be got from dinoz skills. Probably allow defining custom functions too, e.g. attacker, defender, leader of 5...

or you can make a scroll list where every can choose the attribute (type) of his dinoz you can also ask for them at the creation of builds and in case of collectors put the appropriate skills in build automatically as in case with sumo and CP. Toget function from skills will be possible only for collectors.
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