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Minimal price of Dinoz and Eggs on tamer market

PostPosted: Wed 7. Dec 2011, 16:31
by Loki
I collect the numbers. Please post it here.
Base: 16k (Cloudoz has the same prizes)

Glidwings lvl 13 - 81 k
Glidwings lvl 14 - 96 k
Glidwings lvl 15 - 111 k
Glidwings lvl 16 - 131 k

Glidwings lvl 20 - 211k

Glidwings lvl 27 - 351 k

Base: 18k
Rocky lvl 17 - 153k

Rocky lvl 27 - 353k

Rocky lvl 33 - 473k

Base: 19k

Wanwan lvl 27 - 354

Base: 20k
winks lvl 32 455k

Base unknown:

Tofufu lvl 12 - 100k
Dwinks lvl 50 - 901k (2 fire 2 lightning spheres)

Note: Price for Dinoz that have enough XP to level up is the same with a price of the dinoz with the same level but without XP

Rare Rocky 30k
Santaz 30k

Re: Minimal price of Dinoz on tamer market

PostPosted: Sat 10. Dec 2011, 00:36
by whooah
tofufu! lvl 12 - 100k
glidz lvl 20 - 211k

Re: Minimal price of Dinoz on tamer market

PostPosted: Sat 10. Dec 2011, 13:18
Rocky lvl 17 - 153k

Re: Minimal price of Dinoz and Eggs on tamer market

PostPosted: Thu 15. Dec 2011, 09:28
by Running
WanWan 27 - 354k
Rocky 27 - 353k
Glidwings 27 - 351k

Re: Minimal price of Dinoz and Eggs on tamer market

PostPosted: Wed 25. Jan 2012, 04:29
by SpiritWolfe
Level 50 DemonWinks: decent build including Bubble, 2 fire spheres and 2 lightning spheres - 901k

Re: Minimal price of Dinoz and Eggs on tamer market

PostPosted: Wed 25. Jan 2012, 09:57
by Loki
SpiritWolfe wrote:Level 50 DemonWinks: decent build including Bubble, 2 fire spheres and 2 lightning spheres - 901k

If you give him one more sphere please check the price again I would like to know if it will become higher :)