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Hidden and useful Info about skills

Postby Loki » Sun 28. Nov 2010, 08:10

Tornado: cancels flight, causes more damage than 5*Air element (my guess is 10*air)

Horned Charge: ignores Bubble like Earth Tremor and Acorn Thrower and Wipeout. Hits flying enemies too. Not affected by Acupuncture, Torch and Acid Blood works like ranged A-skill and not an assault.

Endurance: This causes your defending dinoz to have 2 rolls in wood; it does not simply add 2 to the wood element defense. = No direct bonus, All defenses are calculated for (wood element +2) which actually remains the same. The same for Gaya Path and Elasticity.

Specialist: description is not quite right. The weakest element is not replaced with the strongest, it will just not be used in the attack chain. So you get 4 elements in the cycle instead of 5.

Survival: The Dino will be revived with 1 hp: and not with the hp: that he had before he got a deadly strike.

Career Plan: You can roll back to your first element roll if you used Career Plan and didn't like the 2nd element roll. Don't make a selection in the level up screen. Instead, simply log off your account and log in again, and your dinoz will still have the option to "lvl up" and will roll again the same element as it did the first time.

Torch: Adds 10 to the fire defense of the Dino.
"on fire" status from lighter has a chance of running out so you can lose the status without being hit by a Primal State. Torch can be canceled only by Primal State.

Primal State: Cancels flight, damage from torch, and healing from acupuncture. Removes intangible status (both from vaporous form and immaterial). Does not cancel the damage from acupuncture or acid blood.

Adrenaline and Lightning Attack: You get the speed boost on any lightning turn, even if your dinoz uses an a-skill from another tree, but you don't get a speed boost from using lightning a-skills on non-lightning turns.

Plunging Attack - can be dodged

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Enemy selection skills

Postby Loki » Sun 28. Nov 2010, 08:16

Strategy: Adopts the best attack strategy according to enemies´ defenses

Without Strategy, the dino attacks first with the strongest assault compared to the other assaults.

With Strategy, it attacks first with the strongest assault compared to the enemy defenses, even if that assault is not the strongest compared to the others. For the next assault it attacks with the second strongest assault, and so on…

The Strategy skill does not choose target for your dino, so it works without problem with analyze, without mercy and concentration.

A dino:
f: 45, wo: 12, wa: 15, l: 11, a: 2

B dino, target 1
f: 20, wo: 10, wa: 32, l: 21, a: 5
Attacks order with Strategy: f:, wo:, l:, wa: , a:
Attacks order without Strategy: f:, wa:, wo:, l:, a:

C dino, target 2
f: 10, wo: 40, wa: 22, l: 10, a: 5
Attacks order with Strategy: f:, l:, wa:, wo:, a:
Attacks order without Strategy: f:, wa:, wo:, l:, a:

Monster, target 3:
20, 10, 10, 10, 10
Attacks order with Strategy: f:, wa:, wo:, l:, a:
Attacks order without Strategy: f:, wa:, wo:, l:, a:

Analyze: Choose the best target for each attack.

Choose the target with the lowest defence against the attack.

Concentration: The assault always target the same enemy.
Without Mercy: Choose the target with the least health points for each assault. Can be affected by Rock skill of enemy, and it it is reported that it can be affected in negative way by analyse and strategy.

These last two skills works only in case of assaults. They do not choose target for A attacks. Although with this 2 skill and Lighting Dance, the dino attacks 5 times the same, but random target.

- Concentration chooses a random target, even with Strategy skill.
- Concentration + Without Mercy: Without mercy makes concentration useless in sense that target will change as soon as at field will come some new target with less hp.
- Without Mercy and Analyze always select korgons, flamlets or smashrooms, ( + aqueous clone in case of Without Mercy) if there are any on the battlefield.

I think none of these skills could activate any A nor E skills more frequent, or activate them in a certain situation of fight.

Source: here (was removed by MK)
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Triggering of Skills

Postby Loki » Sun 28. Nov 2010, 09:09

When you own Skills E or A, how does their trigger? Is that enabling "Fireball" reduces chance to get out "lava flow"?

Warp (french game admin) answers on the subject:
Each event has an attack percentage of activation and a priority (due to its power).
To determine which attack is made, we take each attack in order of decreasing priority and we make a draw from its trigger percentage. If it does not trigger, we pass to the next. If you reach the end of the list of attacks available, Dino was on a normal attack. This means in particular that a weak attack does not diminish the probability of occurrence of a strong attack, because it can be triggered only if the attack was not triggered powerful before.
Ditto for events.
It can be advantageous to activate all the skills E and A on our Dino because if Fireball spell triggers, it means that Lava flow was unable to use.
Source: here (translated)
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Initiative and Speed

Postby Loki » Sun 28. Nov 2010, 09:34

Some skills, such as "Celerity" ( l: ) increase the "speed" of Dino, and others, such as "Hazard" ( l: ) increases the "Initiative". What is the difference between the 2 and how does it work?

Here is the response of support on the subject:

Each fighter has a time value. The fighter with the smallest value performs an attack, then add 10 / Speed at the time. So a fighter with 2.0 attack speed hit twice a fighter with 1.0 attack speed, because each action will cost him 5 points of time instead of 10.

The initiative reduces the value of time at the beginning of combat. Therefore it allows both to perform the first action but also to save time on the other combatants, and a Dino with +10 initiative in comparison with Dino with -10 will almost certainly be able to carry out two attacks before the other. (with 20 time points between them).

In other words, each Dino has a time value, and each time, the one with the smallest value attack, giving for example, start with 2 Dino no boost, so they have a speed of 1, leaving 10 and + 10 are therefore each time (10 / 1 = 10), which gives:

- Dinoz 1 => 10 | Dinoz 2 => 10

- One of two random attack, say Dino 1. He takes 10 points after his attack.

- Dinoz 1 => 20 | Dinoz 2 => 10

- Dino 2 has the smallest value, it attacks, then take 10 time point.

- Dinoz 1 => 20 | Dinoz 2 => 20

- Dino 2 comes to equalize, so it's a Dino 1 attacks and takes 10 points of time.

- Dinoz 1 => 30 | Dinoz 2 => 20

And so on, is what happens to a fight lambda attack once each turn.

Now if Dino 1 has Hazard, he starts with 3 instead of 10, which gives:

- Dinoz 1 => 3 | Dinoz 2 => 10
- Dinoz 1 => 13 | Dinoz 2 => 10
- Dinoz 1 => 13 | Dinoz 2 => 20
- Dinoz 1 => 23 | Dinoz 2 => 20

- Etc..

Now if Dino has a Hazard + Celerity which adds 15% speed so he left with 3 and take this time not 10 points of speed every time, but 10 / (1 +0.15) = 8.7 (rounded to the tenth), this which gives us:

- Dinoz 1 => 3 | Dinoz 2 => 10

- Dinoz 1 => 11.7 | Dinoz 2 => 10

- Dinoz 1 => 11.7 | Dinoz 2 => 20

- Dinoz 1 => 20.4 | Dinoz 2 => 20

- Dinoz 1 => 20.4 | Dinoz 2 => 30

- Dinoz 1 => 29.2 | Dinoz 2 => 30

- Dino 1 a re-attack, as it still has the smallest number.

- Dinoz 1 => 37.9 | Dinoz 2 => 30

- Dino 1 => 37.9 | Dino 2 => 30

- Etc..

Source: here
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General Hints

Postby Loki » Thu 7. Apr 2011, 13:46

  1. When you talk to someone (like Goblin Mergez Seler) and you want him to talk faster, just click again on the board where his words are appearing
    Also, you don't have to go through all dialogs till the end. For example:
    - Goblin Merguez Seller: you can end the dialog one screen sooner (before clicking "Thanks!") - at this point, you already have merguez in your inventory
    - Bao Bob's fan (this dialog is especially annoying :x ): you can leave the dialog after clicking "OK!" - at this point, you already got the charm
    And leave dialogue with button "End this Conversation" or if you start to speak with NPC once more you will continue the old conversation.

  2. Any missions fight can be done as a group. till now, only solo fights i had to do were the elementals at uni and dome...
    you have a group, every dino in the group has to have an active turn, meaning every dino must be able to move,fight or whatever... then you click fight with the leader, has to be the leader, and your whole group will do the fight. the next trick is, you have to switch your leader to the next dinoz who has to do a fight.
    Example, your dinoz a,b,c
    dinoz a is the leader, all have an active turn, you click fight, all 3 will fight, but dinoz a will complete it. then you just switch the leader to dinoz b, click fight, all will fight, dinoz b will have done it, do the same with c... you can do this almost everywhere

  3. Inventory enlargement: During COTC and CW everyone need a reserve of poisonite, pills, monochromatics and other things. But you can not put very much in your inventory.
    There is a way to enlarge capacity if you have some frozen Dinoz. You take one your Dinoz to the Deep gorges and freeze it, then you unfreeze one of your frozen dinoz and put the pills to his equipment belt. Then you freeze it next day and unfreeze another dinoz and do the same. So you can put up to 5 pills or poisonites or monos to every frozen dinoz. And the best thing that later you can get this things from the belts of frozen dinoz without unfreezing them. Another possibility is if you do not use market for sales, then you can place a bid with needed things and add a lot of amnesiac rice to your bid. In this case nobody will buy your goods and auction will expire. As long as you don't take it back it will be on market and will not count to your inventory
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Nimbao Trick

Postby Loki » Wed 5. Oct 2011, 14:03

Nimbao trick

When you leave the atoll to try to fly to Nimbao, before clicking on "nimbao here I come" put the cursor on the command and check the page address (should be at the bottom of the screen)

the page address can end on:
depart_1 = crash at Waikiki island
depart_2 = crash at Basalt Slopes
depart_3 = crash at Frish Port

first time:
depart_4 = get to nimbao
Starting from second time
depart_4 = unknown
depart_5 = get to nimbao

If you see something that do not brings you where you want just click that you're "not ready to die yet" and start the conversation again, the destination will be reset.

Alternative info
In the Spanish server it works like this:

depart_1 -> Waikiki island
depart_2 -> Basalt Slopes
depart_3 -> Frish Port
depart_4 -> Forges of the Big All-Hot
depart_5 -> Nimbao

But the first time you try, there's no depart_5, and it's depart_4 instead that takes you to Nimbao. In the German server it also works like this, so I assume it applies to this one too. =).
By Redphoenix

You can use Klutz to make the way shorter between any points of the Dinoworld. Simple calculate how much you need to get to sticky swamp and how much turns you need to get to the place you need from one of landing locations (basalt Slopes, Waikiki Islands, Frish port). If with Clutz is shorter go to Workshop and let your plane crush at location you need (use links to the top)

After finishing Quetzu quest when you fly from Nimbao:
You get to Workshop or Frish port. So simple relogin and flying in both direction you can land on frish port in the end in order not to stick in swamp.
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All about statuses

Postby Loki » Mon 28. Nov 2011, 10:27

General information:
If Dinoz has a status and suffers from action that should give him the same status, then it doesn't get it and the time counter of duration continue working. Statuses are not stackable if they come from different skills (like different poison or acceleration or slowing)

Using of Primal State or Saving Puree by one of your Dinoz remove all statuses.

Duration will be described in terms of cycles:
According to the French admins:
A cycle cost 6 (60 with new motor changes) velocity points and represents the duration between the application of the status effects (poison, torch, accupuncture, etc).

Damage from
Poison Claws: 14
Fetid Breath or Toxic Cloud: air element
Smelly Aura: 10
Duration: 5 cycles (duration from poison from fetid breath is permanent now but it is a bug. Source)

Damage from
Mantooze toxic cloud: 3
Duration: like toxic cloud
Scorpwinks poison: 5 damage
Duration: permanent?
Bigshroom contamination - 3
Duration: 2-3 turns?
Poisonite prevents Dinoz from getting status poisoned
Magic item Antidote prevents Dinoz from getting status poisoned
Danger Detector will prevent the first tick of poison if the poison damage will be more then 10.

Dinoz is immune to earth tremor, wipeout, vines, as well as non-jumping assaults.
Duration: lasts 1 turn, but is the only status that can be reset if the dino activates flight multiple times in a row.
Frukoptere flight is permanent, is an E skill and it enables non-flying dinoz to fly, even petrified ones! Never ever send dinoz without A skills and/or primal state to monster island.
One Master Levitator in group make all assaults "jumping assaults"
Using of "mobile love" make all assaults of a dinoz "jumping assaults"

The Dinoz adds the double of "velocity points" after each assault.
Duration: 5 cycles

Contrary to slowed. The Dinoz adds half of "velocity points" so he attacks twice when he should attack once.
Duration: 5 cycles

The petrified Dinoz can't attack, but can counter-attack, evade and become intangible.
Duration: limited number of cycles
Petrification cancels intangible status and flying.

The Dinoz can't attack (like petrified)
Duration: few cycles or if dinoz will be attacked

Dinoz gets +6 points to all defences.
Duration: 5 cycles

Dinoz gets +3 points to all assaults.
Duration: 5 cycles
Notes: Useful for those who have the capture glove, because this skill increases monsters' void damage by 3.

Immaterial: The Dinoz doesn't take damage.
Vaporous Form: Duration: 5 cycles?
Immaterial: Duration: permanent, till cancelled
Gorilloz spirit intangible - the same with immaterial
Moukitz intangible - about 3-4 turns
Kazkadine intangible - 2 turns?
Dinoz with Perception always remove this status after assault, regardless of whether it hits the immaterial dinoz or the dinoz dodges the assault.
Using of air assault (but you must have at least one air element) or A-skills (Mistral, Tornado) or skill Earth Tremor remove the intangible status. In case of air assault dodge will also not help and the immaterial status will be removed.

Softpig Charge remove the intangible status.
Wipeout doesn't remove intangible status.
Some of Monsters, that have elemental and not only void attacks can remove the intangible status, f.e. Giant Chickens.
Petrification remove this status.
When your dinoz lose intangible status he lose only 1 HP it doesn't matter how strong was attack or assault, that removed that status.
Immaterial dinoz can be poisoned without removing immaterial status.

Another interesting info on subject:

Another interesting thing to note about statuses, is that when reinforcements are called, like Korgons or Clones, the reinforcements actually prolong each turn. Let's say a fight is 2 vs 2, so there needs to be a total of 4 moves for one turn to elapse. If later in the match, there are 5 Korgons on the field, then a total of 9 moves are needed for one turn to elapse. This is pretty interesting, because if you pull off a Detonation chain with a ton of Korgons on the field with an Accelerated status, it will take much longer for the status to wear off. I'm actually not 100% sure if this applies to Korgons and Gorriloz Spirits, but I know that it applies to Clones during the short amount of time that they are alive.

What wasn't cleared still:
1. What is one turn in posts of players that didn't use the term cycles.
2. Do sleeping dinoz can counter or become intangible?

If you find a mistake or type error, please let me know.

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Re: BiblioTopic

Postby Running » Sat 29. Sep 2012, 18:59

I'm not 100% sure, but depart_3 took me to Frish port
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Re: BiblioTopic

Postby RedPhoenix » Sat 27. Oct 2012, 23:55

In the Spanish server it works like this:

depart_1 -> Waikiki island
depart_2 -> Basalt Slopes
depart_3 -> Frish Port
depart_4 -> Forges of the Big All-Hot
depart_5 -> Nimbao

But the first time you try, there's no depart_5, and it's depart_4 instead that takes you to Nimbao. In the German server it also works like this, so I assume it applies to this one too. =)
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